Garbage in, garbage out: how AI can teach you to write better creative briefs - with Nathan Monk

We’ve all had that moment—reading a vendor’s response and thinking, “That’s not what I asked for at all.” But was the problem really their answer… or was it the brief?

AI tools like ChatGPT have forced us to become more precise communicators—because when you give vague inputs, you get vague outputs. But what if this shift in mindset could also transform the way we write creative briefs?

In this fast-paced, hands-on session, I’ll show how AI can be a brief-writing mentor, helping you refine how you ask for what you actually want—whether that’s from a vendor, an internal team, or an AI tool. I’ll even demo a custom-built GPT assistant, designed to guide you through crafting clearer, more effective creative briefs—and you’ll get access to use it yourself.

By the end, you’ll see why AI isn’t just a tool—it’s the best brief-writing coach you never knew you needed.

About your speaker

Nathan Monk is the co-founder of Prospectus Plus, a leader in digital transformation for university marketing. With over a decade of experience in higher education and technology, he specialises in AI, automation, and behavioural science to improve student recruitment. A frequent speaker at industry events, Nathan is passionate about rethinking outdated processes, from digital prospectuses to procurement. His work challenges institutions to embrace AI strategically, ensuring innovation enhances—not replaces—human expertise.


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