It can be hard to engage students to even want to create content with us. Let alone make it remarkable.
As it becomes harder to cut through the noise on social media, it’s imperative to find the right students to create user generated content.
What if you were to change the way you approach recruiting students to be in a position of:
cherry-picking the right students for the right content rather than picking the only student available?
involving students in the decision-making of content creation?
having students pitch us ideas for content?
This webinar will dive deep into the different methods to recruit students and how to effectively use those students as social media influencers.
You always choose the best students for in-person recruitment events, let’s start applying that approach to student-led content.
We will cover:
Different methods for recruiting students as influencers
How to match the right students to the right content and projects
How to get the best out of your students
About Mikki Collins, your session host:
Mikki is a Content and Experience Designer at Pickle Jar Communications. Mikki has a strong social media background in the Higher Education sector and proven award-winning experience for digital content campaigns and projects she has produced.
She previously worked for the University of Chichester as their Digital Content Producer for 5.5 years. In that time, Chichester achieved the number 1 ranked UK University on TikTok in 2022 and 2023, and the Champion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in content at the ContentEd awards for the final series of the University’s podcast all about minority groups.
She has presented at different education conferences for her TikTok framework, award-winning podcast series and turning digital student ambassadors into influencers organised by groups such as UUK, UniBuddy, and Times Higher Education.